Privacy Policy

This is the website of Bookkeeping For My Business.

Our Address and Contact Information is:
PO Box 1653
Montgomery, TX 77356
(888) 369-5009

Each visitor’s domain name is automatically recognized, but the individual user remains anonymous, and we do not analyze or use this data for any statistics, trends, or any other purpose other than technical problem resolution, and we do not retain any of the information. We do not use cookies, or store visitors’ preferences, or record user-specific information on what pages were accessed or visited.

We do collect the email addresses (see our Email Privacy Policy) of those who communicate with us via email, or request information via our website. The information we collect is used by us to contact our consumers and prospects for communications and marketing purposes. If you do not want to receive email from us in the future, please let us know by sending us an email at the above address, indicating your desire to be removed from our email distribution database.

If you supply us with your postal address online you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending us email at the above address.

Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers online may receive telephone contact from us with information regarding new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls, please let us know by sending us email at the above address.

From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the new policy and changes to our Web site and provide you with the ability to “opt out” of these new uses.

Our Web site is secure and protected by industry standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving data exchanged with our Web site. We make every effort to prevent viruses and other inappropriate access to our Web site.

Some content on our website requires you to complete a registration form and provide us with your contact information. Information that you provide in these forms is used solely by our company and its third party affiliates, resellers, joint marketing partners, consultants, agents or contractors. We do not share personal information with advertisers or marketing organizations, except for those that assist us with our own direct marketing and advertising to you.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, please contact us at the above addresses or phone number.

Email Privacy Policy
We have created this email privacy policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information.How We Protect Your PrivacyWe use security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of data used by our system, including any information submitted by you.

Sharing and Usage
We will never share, sell, or in any other manner provide your personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information you provide to us is only available to our employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you information based on your request and to our contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to our communications with you.

Why Did You Receive an Email from Us?
If you have received a mailing from us, your email address is either listed in our database as someone who has expressly provided this address for the purpose of receiving information and communications from us in the future (“opt-in”), or you have registered or purchased or otherwise have an existing relationship with us. We will always respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our communications and mailings.

How Can You Stop Receiving Email from Us?
Each email sent contains an easy, automated way for you to cease receiving email from us, or to change your expressed interests. If you wish to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of any email, or send your request to the contact email or address listed above.

Bookkeeping For My Business